Grupo Tango Show

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Our story begins over more than two decades in the heart of Buenos Aires at the emblematic town of San Telmo where we as a family conceived our company with a particular and unique vision, the Tango. It was the year 1968 when Susana Godoy and Luis Machi decided to establish themselves in San Telmo in an attempt to create something special, something that would capture the essence and charm of the Argentinian tango. The Machi family embarked in the adventure of opening a place with passion and determination in which the tradition of tango and the art of show entertainment would be wholly combined, That’s how “La Ventana” tango show” came to be. A place where music and dance intertwined to provide the public a unique and unforgettable experience. Since its humble beginnings in 1980 “la Ventana” had become a must-go place for tango lovers from all over the world. The place was filled with music and joy, with artists that captivated the public with their passion and talents. the consolidation of “la Ventana” as an icon in the cultural scenario of the city of Buenos Aires was imminent with the passing of the years which led to the growth and evolution of the family company that expanded their services to offer gourmet dining, tango lessons, wine tasting experiences and special events. Overjoyed and proud of the earned success, the family decided to purchase a building of four floors that historically started as a “conventillo” *tenement* a place that sheltered numerous families, witnesses of the everyday life in town. “The House” was refurbished meticulously in order to show all of its original magnificence. At the construction site a “typical Aljibe” from the XVII century was discovered, as if it was completely forgotten in time. A historic relic that has remained hidden over the centuries. It was by then, in the year 2000 that “El Aljibe” finally opened its doors to the public. located at ground level it is ideal for the enjoyment of a classical express show. With a well-balanced combination of history and modernity the expansion and refurbishing of the building continued. then by the year 2007 “Gala Tango” was opened while reminiscing over the old cabarets that used to stand out and shine in the 30s night life of Buenos Aires. “Gala Tango” is known for its top notch tango shows and gastronomy. Once finished the first stage and with the three houses: La Ventana, El Aljibe and Gala Tango operating at its full capacity, a new possibility aroused. It was the acquisition of the adjacent building that since the year 1967 up until the end of the century would operate as “Michelangelo.” Michelangelo. A Buenos Aires classic that once was the epicenter of cultural night life, had lost its magnificence with the passing of the years. Nevertheless, The Machi family once again envisioned an opportunity to renew Michelangelo’s glorious days and elevate tango to the next level. Michaelangelo was refurbished to live up to its good old glorious days with a cautious investment and an approach thriving to preserve the historical patrimony. It reopened its doors in the year 2022, as a space dedicated to tango and live music drawing renamed performing artists. Nowadays, La Ventana Tango show, El Aljibe, Gala Tango and Michelangelo are part of a long-lasting family legacy that continues expanding their horizons sharing Argentina’s cultural riches with the whole world. There are currently 10 members of the Machi family working at the company in order to make possible the project that once was but a dream of Susana and Luis Machi.

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